- The item you ordered will be shipped within 3-5 business days after the payment.
- Standard shipping with tracking number.
- For every order you will receive a personal code for 10% discount if you order again within one year
- The only payment method is Stripe.
guarantees that you will receive the ordered item. If delivery is delayed for more than a month, you can open a case in
and your money will be refunded.
- If you have ANY questions, please e-mail me at [email protected]
- Every week new releases will be added to the catalog so you keep visiting the store at least ones a week
- The items are only in their physical form. Standard CDs for your CD collection.
- For Digital Releases you can support me on Patreon for $2 monthly and get access to the download links
- If you want to know something more about the releases or my service, you can use the Shoutbox